dilluns, 26 de febrer del 2018

Elon Musk interviw

Elon Musk tells us in this interview the intentions that lukewarm at that moment, 2013, with each one of his companies.
First he talks about his project in Tesla. He says he wants to grow the company quickly using the following model: first he makes a few very expensive cars, then some cars with a medium price, finally there are a lot of very cheap cars. in this way, he pretends that the company investigates the parts of the car in order to be able to cheapen them. He says that his main objective is to lower both the prices that make the competition have to invest much more than them and lower the prices of electric cars even more.
Then he talks about Space X, his aerospace company. of this it only says that they have made revolutions in the subject, without specifying. He also says that his only competition is public companies. Finally he talks about his first test with a rocket, which has maintained a height for a few seconds and then has landed.
To finish he talks about his SolarCity company. wants to revolutionize solar panels to make them the main way to get energy.
I liked this talk a lot. I liked his optimism to try to change the world alone. I was also impressed to see how he has accomplished much of his goals just 5 years later.


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